Monday, July 5, 2010

Review: Raiders of the Lost Ark

It's been a long time since I've seen the Indiana Jones movies. A good 15 years, so it was really great being able to come back and watch the movies again with a fresh pair of eyes.

This movie is one of the best I've ever seen. Everything came together flawlessly. And Spielberg really pushed to bring together every element that makes a film, and gave it meaning.

The characters were believable, in their own way. Indiana Jones was typecast as Harrison Ford (Indiana is truly the Han Solo of archeology). Through the movie we see a complex character. On the one hand we see a college professor, who is passionate, but reasonably mild-mannered. On the other, we see a hardened treasure hunter, how can be quick to anger, calm under pressure, worldly, funny, driven.

His well-known outfit of rugged leather and a fedora is both recognizable, and shows the adventuresome side versus his clean cut suit that he wears as a professor. The image gives such a dichotomy to this character. And of course, Harrison Ford is great no matter what.

His counterpart and primary antagonist in the film is Belloq, a fellow archeologist. Belloq is constantly one step ahead of Jones, and takes a far more mercenary approach to archaeology. Where Jones donates all of his finds to a museum, Belloq works for the highest bidder (private investors). However, he is not inherently evil. While he may have it out for Jones, he shows concern and compassion for others. As he himself says, he is what Jones could have become, and the contrast adds depth not only to Belloq, but to Jones as well.

Major Arnold Toht is the most visible of the villains. A vicious member of the SS, he is cold, cruel, and so undeniably evil. Even the guy's eyeglasses look evil. He provides a real sense of peril and foreboding for the main characters when they fall into his clutches. Reminiscent of Vader himself, he does a great job of making the audience's skin crawl whenever he's around.

Marion Ravenwood is the film's heroine. While not a swachbuckler herself, and one that often finds herself in need of rescue, she's not your typical damsel in distress. She's clever, fiesty, fiery and altogether a strong female lead.

The plot is full mystery, twists, excitement, and intrigue. Ending in a climax of epic proportions, it leaves the viewer satisfied. Loose ends are tied up, and the adventure comes to a satisfying close.

If you are like my husband and have somehow missed seeing this movie, you absolutely have to go out and see it. You won't be disappointed.

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